South Toward Home

I spent Independence Day in Cape Cod this year. I got to visit Plymouth too and it was really awesome to be standing where the pilgrims landed on the most patriotic holiday of the year. It was nice to not be eaten up by mosquitoes or melt in the sweltering southern humidity but seriously, there’s no place like home.

This was my first trip to New England and it really is different up there. It’s surprising how we can experience culture shock right in our own country. My parents moved to the South from the North and they’ve always described differences but this was my first time experiencing them first hand. The following is a list of things I’ve taken for granted with my southern upbringing that sadly, New Englanders do not have.

1. Southern hospitality (It’s actually a thing, y’all)
2. Warm ocean water
3. Sweet tea
4. Central air
5. Warm nights that do not require long pants and a sweatshirt
6. Good barbeque
7. A church on every corner
8. Duke’s Mayonnaise
9. Dogs in the back of pickup trucks
10. Strangers who call you “hon”

The seafood was awesome and the landscape was pretty but I was definitely glad to get my feet back on Southern soil. I’d rather swim in warm pool water, start sweating before 9 am, and spend my afternoons holed up in the air conditioning than need a sweatshirt after 6 pm and swim in icy waters. No region is perfect but I’ll take my imperfection with a southern accent and nice tall glass of sweet tea.